November 03, 2010

Communicating by email ? The Initial Stage

Communicating by email - The Initial Stage


Starting a relationship by email is the best way to go.
Through emails, you will be able to understand your prospective mate better and by the time you meet her in Tokyo, you will feel as if you have known each other for a long time.


Therefore, please use this opportunity to send impressive emails to your date and be very careful with the language you use. Here are some great tips on how to start emailing.

1. What’s Up? などと俗語ではじめる方がいらっしゃいますが、メールはフォーマルに書いたほうがプロフェッショナルな男性の印象を相手に与えます。
Some men use the term “WHAT’S UP?” but in order to leave a good impression to a Japanese woman, it is best to be more professional and use more respectful language.

2. 文章は短すぎず、長すぎず。あまり短いメールはカジュアルすぎますし、長すぎる英語の文章は女性が読むのに時間がかかり、返事を書くことが億劫になります。(英語は女性にとって母国語ではありませんので読み書きには時間がかかります。)
Make sure the emails are not too long or too short. Long emails can be a struggle for Japanese women to read and reply to since English is their second language. Conversely, if the email is too short, a woman might find it too casual and she might believe that you not that interested in her.

3. 自分の自己紹介を丁寧に

Be Precise and Thorough with your initial introduction
There are many men that do not even give their names out in the first email, and this leaves a bad impression. We recommend that you introduce your self with your name, profession, a summary of your background, what your future plans are, and why you are interested in marrying a Japanese woman. This will help her understand who you are as a person and will help her to decide whether she is interested in you.

4. 女性に質問をするときに、根堀葉堀細かすぎることを最初から質問しないでください。例えば相手が離婚した経験のある女性であれば、ex-husbandの話や、離婚の理由、過去の話を交際のはじめに聞くことは相手のハートに刃物を突き刺すように傷をつけてしまいますので注意してください。

Please be sensitive when asking her questions about herself and her past as it is not Japanese custom to divulge much personal information to a new person. When she is more comfortable with you, she will open up to you.

5. 日本語ができる方。男性が日本語の読み書きができますというと女性にとって好印象ではありますが、そのこと自体をメインにして日本語でメールを書いてくる方がごくたまにいらっしゃいますが、できれば、メッセージは英語で書いてください。間違っても、日本人女性を日本語のプライベートインストラクター代わりに使わないでください。女性は結婚相手を探しているのであって、あなたの日本語の先生にはなりたくないのです。また、男性が英語で愛情表現をしてくれた方が女性はロマンティックに感じます。

Some men are proficient in reading and writing Japanese and may want to exchange emails written entirely in Japanese. We recommend that you write your emails in English instead since this is a better test of whether you and your potential future mate are able to communicate in the English language, which most likely will be the language that you two use after marriage. Also, some Japanese women may feel too much effort is spent on understanding and correcting your imperfect Japanese than on developing a relationship with her. Also if you express your feelings in English, the women may find it more romantic.

6.  キャッチボール

Make sure you create a running dialogue with your emails. If the woman does not receive an email in 7 days, she will think that you do not have an interest in her. So, please be consistent with your emails and reply to her within two days. If you ever feel that she is not the right one for you, please explain this to her as gently as possible. She will greatly appreciate your kindness.

I hope these tips help you communicate brilliantly! Good Luck!

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