October 07, 2010

Japanese people are punctual:

Japanese people are punctual


When invited to a party in the US we were told that the party was to start at 4PM so my friend and I left early in order to arrive a little before 4.


When we got to the place, no one was there. We waited and waited and no one came. A few people started showing up after 6PM.Then the party finally started at around 7 PM.


The hosts were a Mexican couple and we were surprised to hear that in Mexico even if you do not show up on time, it really does not create a problem.


Under Japanese customs it is important to be punctual. At our office, for example, we interview each individual woman and they all show up 10 to 30 minutes before the appointment. Rarely do the women cancel or show up late without calling.


This is because of the traditional Japanese etiquette which we are taught since we are children that “it is rude to make the other person wait.” Besides, In Japan, buses and trains which usually run on time are our form of transportation opposed to driving so it is feasible to estimate how long it would take to arrive to your destination. It is less problematic because there is no traffic.


When you have a date with a Japanese woman, please try to show up on time. If possible, try to show up at the site before your date. She would be disappointed in you if you show up late and think that you are not serious.


Exceptions: Opposed to Tokyoites, Okinawans are laid back with time. Okinawan Hours can be said to be similar to Mexican Hours.

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