October 28, 2011

Japanese/American Couples' Marriage Visa Work is Completed and They Will Start a New Life in the US Soon.

I received a message from one of our male clients. His wife is ready to move to the US, so he is going to Japan to pick her up. They will spend Christmas in her hometown with her family. Congratulations! We are happy for them. He used to take part in our Meetup event in Baltimore. I feel like he is our friend. I am looking forward to meeting with them in the US again.

Watashi no Naoko,

How are you? We are good here and all the paper work for the Marriage Visa is completed. I am just waiting for it to arrive here from Japan so I can take it to the Lawyer and he can send it in to Homeland Security this December before I leave for Japan. Approval is taking between 3 and 6 months and the ones from Japan have been averaging a 3 month approval.

I leave the 13th of December, arrive in Tokyo the 14th. I will spend 2 days there, arrive in Kyoto leave for KYUSHU. I will stay at S san's house, get to drive her car, walk her dog and we will then go to Okinawa for 3 nights before we return to her house. Then I will spend 2 more nights in Tokyo before leaving for home. I am so nervous since S san told me that everyone knows about me and is ok with it but all her Niece's and Nephew's are curious and really want to meet me now when they have Christmas cake on Christmas day since they really do not celebrate Christmas like we do here. That is fine but I am nervous now a lot!!!! In a good way. I am sure I will love them all as my relatives loved S san as soon as they met her in person. Smile.

I hope you will all have a good Holiday and if you would like me to bring something back for you just let me know, it is fine.

I also just want to say to you thanks. Because it was you who suggested I talk with S san when I did not think this was going to work at all after breaking up with A san. You really picked us well with a deep inner sense of knowing the 2 of us and that we would somehow work in the long run. Thanks very much.

A : Pennsylvania

Meet Japan Lady.com
Personalized Matchmaking Service for Professional Men & Sophisticated Japanese Women

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