April 25, 2005

Temporary Member

Yesterday, I telephoned a women who became a member recently. She is a student. Some men have already contacted her, but she said she is too busy to reply because she has to prepare for a test. I understand, but why has she tried to become a member now? I believe that she can keep a balance between studying and romance. But I told her not to be a member if she can't do it. Because some men are very serious for marriage, I don't want her to be rude. Likewise, there are some cases when men don't reply even though they are receiving emails. Of course, either can choose "Yes" or "No", but I would like both men and women to reply in a polite way even though they don't think it is a good match.

April 13, 2005

Is She Japanese?

"Look at her, she must be Japanese!"
My American friend often makes this guess when he sees Asian ladies.
I asked
"How do you know?"
He answers
"I know."
I ask again.
"But how???"

Although I am Japanese, I can not actually distinguish who is Japanese if there are some Asian ladies and they don't say anything in their native language. But he says he knows.
"Japanese ladies are different from the ladies of other Asian countries. It is not easily defined, but the facial expression, atmosphere, and fashion are different."
"Does it mean that most Japanese ladies have the same Louis Vuitton bags, and wear the same fashion with no with no individuality?"
" Sort of."
"Believe me, I am Japanese, but I have never had any Louis Vuitton bag!"
We continued talking while watching her cross the street. A car stopped to let her cross, she bowed the driver.
He said
"See, she must be Japanese!"
" Yes, I am sure."
We laughed.

April 08, 2005

Shako Jirei - Diplomatic Remarks

When you are invited with the words: "Come to my house." by Japanese, it is usually just a polite greeting. You don't have to check your schedule and plan accordingly.

Likewise, when American people say: "Talk to you soon." or "Talk to you later.", what does it really mean? Once, I didn't know "how soon it was" , so I was patiently awaiting the call. I had been waiting for about one hour for the call, which never came. I remembered feeling sad.
Now, I know they're just words. I learned one more communication skill in America.


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